O Mistério do Angoche Portugal Moçambique Mozambique investigação fotografia Turismo de Natureza


Foto Safari & Eventos  (+351) 96 037 51 06

fotosafarieventos@gmail.com    *    facebook.com/fotosafarieventos


Paulo Oliveira. Currently dedicated to photographic events, Photo-Safaris and individual or groups 'Tours on demand', with the company Foto Safari Eventos. Collaboration with some Google projects: Google Local Guide - Level 10 (top level), and Google Street View Pro Trusted - Trusted Photographer Certificate.
I was born in Lisbon in September 1959, and went with my family to Mozambique in August 1960, residing in Lourenço Marques (Maputo) until September 1979.
A skydiving practitioner and instructor with a free-fall license at the Aeroclube de Moçambique in 1978/1979, I studied Electrical Engineering at Eduardo Mondlane University, in Maputo, and returned to Lisbon in September 1979.
Lived in South Africa in 1983 and '84, at the time being a correspondent for several Portuguese newspapers. Journalism and Advertising were areas in which I was also involved in Lisbon from 1982 to 1987 and carried out several jobs in the IT area from 1991 to the present.
Published works: Documentary and biographical book on the Mozambican civil conflict Dossier Makwákwa - Renamo: a descent into the heart of darkness; another - yet just in electronic version - a novel, Mak - Operation D7, with action set in Lisbon, Paris, Cairo and Mozambique. Recently published the book that is the 'chronicle of an investigation' - The Mystery of the terrorist attack on the Angoche ship.
Developing what was just a hobby, in 2013 I started with Portugal Wild Trail - a tourist entertainment organization / also a Nature Tourism project - with the organization of events in Sintra, Cascais, Oeiras, Mafra, Alenquer, Torres Vedras, Oporto and Lisbon - tours, hiking, photo-safaris and tasting of wines and local products.

 (+351)  960375106






Torres Vedras




